Scott Raney wrote:
> > I was wondering if MetaCard had any planned support for the https
> > protocol, or whether this latest beta version of 2.3 can support https via
> > sockets. If this is not the case, does anyone have any pointers or other
> > information regarding ssl and https and how it works, such that it might
> > be possible to implement such a protocol into MetaCard?

> Support for https is on the feature-request list.  It should
> be possible to do it using the sockets in 2.3, but you'd probably need
> to write an external to do the encryption/decryption (this part could
> certainly be done in MetaTalk, but it would be some pretty hairy
> scripting).


There is another solution: Port forwarding. You have sort of a proxy
process that listens to https on one port and delivers it as http on
another, which you can use in you application (that does not allow other
ip addresses to connect). SSL is designed so that this works transparently!

Note that the encryption algorithms are not directly part of SSL so you
can use SSL with any algorithm. Client and server just have to agree on
one algorithm combination.

For further reading take a look at these sites:

Have fun!

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