>For sortable colum/table widget, here is a solution:
>    1. Create a field
>    2. In the field's properties dialog box:
>       Set the hGrid and vGrid to true
>       Enter tab stops in the Tabstops field
>         (50,90,130,170 as example)
>    3. Enter information in the field one row at a time, by hitting tab key
>       for each colum in a row.  Hit return key when you come to the end of
>       row.  Cursor takes you to the next row in the field
>    4. Put a button above or below each column
>    5. Script for sorting the field by colum in each button will be:
>       sort lines of field "myField" by word 1 of each
>         (sort each line/row by first colum)
>       sort lines of field "myFidle" by word 3 of each
>         (sort each line/row by 3rd colum)
>You can also set the itemDelimiter to "tab" and sort by items if your
>items must be able to have spaces in them.
>Blair Moxon

I've used the sorting and it works well - as you say you can use tab 
delimited material as well.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk

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