At 3:52 AM -1000 5/4/2000, Sivakatirswami wrote:
>I would like the run time facility to edit object scripts while in browse
>mode ala supercards's option command mouseover any object and viola, script
>editor opens.
>I tried putting this script into a button called "frontScript":
>on mouseup
>  if optionkey () = "down" then
>    edit script of the target
>  end if
>end mouseUp
>and then in the open card handler of cd 1 of the stack I put
>on openCard
> put script of button "frontScript" into front
>end opencard
>the idea being to trap for a option key down on  mouseup to edit any object.
>but i got this anamolous behaviour: it works fine the very first time you
>use it. . .hold the option key down and mouseup on some object and the
>script editor opens its script. . .but thereafter it  appears as if all
>other mouse messages are not passed. i can't hit the yes, no or cancel, none
>of the buttons on the home stack works. . .oddly, the menus and keybaord
>commands do work. . .but I am left with no option but to quit and reboot MC.
>Rhere must be a more facile way to edit scripts while in browse mode, than
>to manually have to mouse over to the tool bar and switch to the pointer
>tool and then go back to the toolbar to switch back to browse mode. . .i
>think I am close to a solution, but missing something.


You need to pass the mouseUp if the condition doesn't apply.

on mouseup
   if optionkey () = "down" then
     edit script of the target
     pass mouseUp
   end if
end mouseUp

Dave Cragg
The LACS Centre (Business English Training Resources)

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