At 3:05 PM -1000 5/4/2000, Sivakatirswami wrote:
>Dave said:
>> Hi
>> You need to pass the mouseUp if the condition doesn't apply.
>> on mouseup
>> if optionkey () = "down" then
>> edit script of the target
>> else
>> pass mouseUp
>> end if
>> end mouseUp
>> Cheers
>> Dave Cragg
>yes, of course that works, but you have to put it into every object. But
>what about a global implementation? I tried to put that into the front
>script, but after the first mouseUp which open script editor. all further
>mouse activity is 'dead." and I have no choice but to re-boot MC.

It works here.

But I notice that your original script for inserting the script was like this:

on openCard
  put script of button "frontScript" into front
end opencard

It should be:

on openCard
  insert script of button "frontScript" into front
end opencard

However, I don't see how this explains the problem you describe. Do 
you have a script from a different source being inserted into the 
front scripts?

Dave Cragg

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