On 8/7/00 4:30 pm, Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So I often have more than 100 images, and I need them to appear in essentially
> random sets of 3.  I usually do this by having just one card where all the
> action is.  My question is:  Is it better to hide all 100 images on that
> action card, and then just show and set location of the select 3 at the
> designated time?  Or would it be better to have 3 buttons, and just set the
> icon of those buttons, maybe even keeping all those images on a separate card?
> If the latter, is there anything that will automatically size an image to fit
> a button?  Is it a toss up?

I would recommend you set the icon of a button rather than actually moving
the images about.  It would allow you to store the images anywhere and you
wouldn't have to worry about setting them back to their original positions
between times.  Use the formattedWidth and formattedHeight properties of the
button to set the width and height.  E.g.:

lock screen
set the icon of btn 1 myImageIDHere
set the width of btn 1 to the formattedWidth of btn 1
set the height of btn 1 to the formattedHeight of btn 1
set the loc of btn 1 to the loc of this card --optional, places button
                                             --in middle of card
unlock screen



> Thank you kindly,
> mark mitchell

Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Limited (formerly Cross Worlds Computing).
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