I'm converting a program from the PC to run on Mac.  Everything is going smoothly 
(great job Scott and gang!) except for one thing.  To make all the buttons look the 
same between the two versions (PC and Mac), I set the Lookandfeel of the Mac version 
to "Windows."  This works great except now, when the buttons are clicked, there 
appears a thick black border around them.  It appears to be the Mac way of emulating 
something getting the focus as in Windows.  (By the way, that was a bad idea 
MicroSoft).  My buttons have a colored background which are used to highlight when the 
button is clicked.  Now, the colored border is there with a black line around the 
outside.  I cannot turn off the TraversalOn feature because that changes the button 
behavior from what I want.  Any ideas how to get rid of the black focus border?

Philip Chumbley

P.S.  This one "feature" about and object getting the foucs and thus having a black or 
dotted border around it has caused me more headaches in both versions than anything 
else.  Thanks a lot, Microsoft!

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