On 13/9/00 11:51 pm, Geoff Canyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This seems like a simple question, but my pea-brain isn't cooperating with
> me today, so:
> I'm using the following code to open a stack invisibly:
> set the lockscreen to true --locks the screen?
> if there is a file theStackFile then
> go stack theStackFile --shouldn't show, but does
> hide stack "prefs" --then hides here
> end if
> go stack "Main"
> And it isn't working. When it executes, the second stack, indicated by
> theStackFile above, flashes into existence visibly before hiding.
> First, is there a better way to do this? I want to store the second stack
> ("theStackFile") separately, because it will be modified, and you can't
> modify a standalone. Second, why isn't the lockScreen property actually
> locking the screen through opening the second stack? Doesn't it do that?

Lock screen does not prevent the display of a stack that you are opening.
It prevents changes inside the contents of stacks that are on screen.  To do
what you want to do, you need to add a line that sets the visible of that
stack to false before you open it.



> Thanks
> gc

Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
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