>I'm not sure why you couldn't do it the HyperCard way, as long as your
>sounds are in MC-compatible formats (which it sounds like they are --
>.wav is fine.) I've had good luck with the ordinary "play" command (no
>player object, just regular old "play snd.wav"), using sounds that were
>imported into the stack. It works just like in HC. I don't think I've
>tried to queue them up though. Was there a problem with the queueing?

Apparently so.

Tried it again, and the results are:

put "darn you.wav,aaah.wav,goodie.wav,oh yeah.wav,talk to you.wav" 
into soundList
     repeat with x = 1 to the number of items of soundList
       play (item x of soundList)
     end repeat
     answer "hello"

It plays the first part of the first sound (cuts it in half) and the 
last part of the last sound (cuts it in half).

plays 1/2 of "darn you.wav"
opens "hello"
plays 1/2 of "talk to you.wav"

It's as though the "hello" window opening gets in the way, cutting 
out all the sounds in the middle.
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