> > Chipp Walters wrote:
> >
> >> The big problem with a *sanctioned* web-savvy MetaCard or RunRev player
> >> is the potential for *very dangerous viruses*!!
> >
> I don't understand this discussion, one can D&D a stack on the engine on
> all platforms which support it and have it "play". For browsers
> one can add
> MC as helper application and have stacks "play" as soon as they download,
> what would a "player" do differently and why would it be more dangerous
> then a plain engine?? Sure I can make a stack which erases the hard drive
> "on startup" but so can any application.
> Regards, Andu Novac

Hi Andu,

Neither Shockwave (Director and Flash), JAVA, nor ActiveX will imediately
deploy and execute a program upon a simple javascript ON LOAD event which
allowed file access (the first time loaded). A correctly registered MIME for
MetaCard/RR could execute with file access permissions, without so much as a
warning (see my ButtonGadget example). A 'correct' MC/RR player would
involve registering itself as the correct MIME and then doing some sort of
certification and/or file check *before* automatically downloading and
running. There is a BIG difference between just registering MC automatically
as a valid MIME and building a player which provided some safety measures.

The idea is to create a generic 'player' so that anyone who has installed
it, can playback any content with just a click of a button on a webpage.


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