--On Tuesday, January 07, 2003 15:01:23 -0800 Sadhunathan Nadesan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In other words, something where the front end is running on the client
(an MC app) and the back end is a data base across the web on the server.
Something with rich a interactive nature, the kind of application you
can build native with MC for strictly local use.

Such as, you bring up the stack and it displays all the fields in the
current record.  You click next, next, next buttons and it is paging
through .. not cards in your stack, but records in  your data base on
the back end.  You want to change something, you just change it, press
the update button, and the back end data base is updating.  Without,
hopefully, having to hand code a lot of SQL statements to make everything
work, but if so, so be it.

Anyone have anything like that happening?
I'm working on such a stack right now for a client. It "posts" queries to a http server + mc cgi which in turn passes them to the database using shell(), then replies the results back to the client. I can't make it publicly available though, just a confirmation that it can be done without much hustle and it works nicely. SQL must be used in communicating to the database, no way around it but that's the easy part.

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Regards, Andu Novac
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