Sadhunathan Nadesan a écrit :
> |
> | The best, in my mind, would be to build a general purpose example app,
> | directly descibed and shared on the Metacard list, to let evryone become
> | able to understand how the purposed technology works and how to reuse it
> | to build, from scratch,
> | other kinds of dedicated apps.
>         Agree!  that would be great.
> |
> | If you are ok about this, i could contribute to this commun effort in
> | converting an existing AddressBook stack in a client-server
> | AdressBook stuff, in using, on the client-side, a standard desktop
> | dedicated AdressBook stack converted in a Metacard-based AdressBook
> | front-end and, on the server-side, a PostgeSQL-based AdressBook
> | back-end.
>         An impressive spirit of volunteerism, for which we'd be very
>         grateful, merci!
> |
> | I can't, for my how, open and share an access to the production servers
> | (including an access to PostgreSQL), because the servers i'm working on
> | are howned by private companies or administrations.
> |
> | What we need, at this point, is (1) to find a fine free and reusable
> | AddressBook stack on top of witch we could add the client-server layer
> | code
>         Seems like someone out there would have something they could
>         contribute?  If not, we could do something very simple.  I am
>         thinking, for a beginning application, simpler the better.
>         Such as a single record data base with just a few typical
>         fields, name, address, phone, email etc.
> | and (2) a free hosted access to a PostgreSQL enabled server (including
> | the right to install mc as a cgi engine or, best, as a web application
> | server deamon (startable and rebootable trough SSH only, for security
> | reasons). Could you
> | find an host interested in supporting this part of the project ?
> |
>         Well, that might be me.  It would be ideal if I could get this
>         going at work, but my home server may suffice for the time
>         being (if we can live with MC 2.4 as the cgi engine).
>         We could at least start there.  MC is installed in
>         /usr/local/bin, so what do you need, Pierre, just an ssh
>         account?
>         Sadhu
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> metacard mailing list

Allo Sadhu,

I expected to finish the "MC/SQL address book" this afternoon but there
is still work for one more day to be done. We will have to wait one more
week to get the final stuff running on your home server ;-!
Cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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