On 12/23/03 9:28 PM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Write a Read Me to use the latest engine

This is a task for multiple platform advanced programmers.

Actually, it's easy. Richard, feel free to grab this if you want:

How to use the Revolution engine with the MetaCard IDE

For all operating systems except Mac OS X:

1. Note the name of the current MetaCard application in the MetaCard folder. On Windows, it is probably "mc.exe", on Mac OS it is "MetaCard", and on the various Unix platforms it is probably "mc". Delete or move the MetaCard application.
2. Put the Revolution application into the MetaCard folder and rename it to the same name as the old MetaCard application.

For Mac OS X the procedure is exactly the same as above, with the exception that the actual MetaCard engine is located inside the application bundle:

1. Control-click on the MetaCard application and choose "Show Package Contents." Open the "Contents/MacOS/" folder. Delete or move the "MetaCard" file you find inside.
2. Put the Revolution application into this folder and rename it "MetaCard".

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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