Alain Farmer wrote:
Naturally, we are trying to 'hide' the xCard
origins of our custom solutions when releasing wares.
Solutions crafted with C++, for example, don't advert
the tools that they were edited and compiled with!

No one writes complete applications entirely from scratch, relying on many libraries and pre-defined classes. If you used the custom libraries included with MPW, Lightspeed C, THINK C, CodeWarrior, or Cocoa, you'd know that all of them require the addition of something like this in the About box:

    Portions Copyright 2006 Metrowerks Inc.

Ever since I started using MetaCard in 1997 Dr. Raney required:

    This product was made with MetaCard
    Portions Copyright 2006 MetaCard Corporation

(Of course the date there is just an example.)

Today All RunRev requires is (last I heard anyway):

    This product was made with Revolution
    Portions Copyright 2006 Runtime Revolution Ltd.

I see nothing "natural" about choosing a tool and then being ashamed of your own choice.

If you don't like using a particular tool, you may find another more to your liking.

A vendor has a legitimate right to request a simple copyright notice in exchange for accomplishing the other 90% of your application. You're always welcome to crack open GCC and write that other 90% yourself.

> Sorry for giving you such a hard time about this, Kevin, is not Kevin's address.
Kevin's address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
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