Hello Richard,

>> the issue is whether we have to use
>> Rev's splash instead of our own CUSTOM
>> splash screen.
> When did anyone ever say that?

With regard to StackRunner... ??

> My customers don't seem to care what tool I use,
> they just like what I deliver with it.

Lucky *you* !  ;-)

> Kevin clarified this, and Ken recapped it.
> That was this morning. It's now well into
> the evening. Did you miss this morning's mail?

Just got to it now. My last post was *yesterday* so,
of course, it was not informed about what was written
this morning. Besides, I think that the mails youre
alluding to were posted to the OTHER list.

> I hear the sound of straws being grasped
> so as to drag this thread out longer than
> would be truly required....

There was so doubt expressed about what we are allowed
to do with regard to splash-screen 'player'
standalones and, therefore, I wanted to make sure ...
so as to make an informed decision about 'upgrading',
or not, to Rev.

> In short, there would appear no
> problem with what you describe.

I'm glad to hear it. This issue is important to me.

> The archives from this morning
> carry the details.

I am further reassured by the fact that this is now in
a written form. Spoken-words are easily forgotten; the
written-word is less volatile.  ;-)

> If you're merely looking for an audience
> for your latest reiteration of why you
> dislike Rev's licensing I suppose you've
> found a captive audience here.

You're right .. you caught me .. I was *deliberately*
wasting your time .. because I have nothing better to
do with mine .. cheese anyone? but you have to *guess*
which one(s) ;-))

> But if you're looking for results
> you have Kevin's address by which
> to seek them.

Understood. I will take my 'grievances' where they
might have an impact.


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