On 10/4/06 9:25 AM, "Ken Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> 2)  When closing the SE the VW should also close
>>         -- a keyboard shortcut to close here would also be nice
> Obviously I need to store those preferences, so I could add two preferences
> to AutoOpen and AutoClose the VW in that menu so they could be set to each
> person's individual tastes.

Actually I looked into it, and it would be very difficult to tag the closure
of the VW to the closing of the SE, since it is possible (and I do it
frequently) to have multiple SE windows open (as I'm tracing through things
for example) and to be able to "tag" the VW to a specific SE.

However, I *could* close the VW when your debugging session is over (like if
you close the script you're debugging, or choose "Abort"). Would that work
for you, Ray? Obviously it would be an option that people could turn on or
off, and defaults to off...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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