Klaus, thanks a lot!  Building stand alones is now much less tedious without having to edit the pList files.

Just two other things: I'm assuming the PowerPC-32
 engine produces a stand alone for the Mac OSX platform, and the Universal engine produces a stand alone for the Mac Intel platform.  I'm not sure what the x86-32 engine for.  Any light you can shed on this is appreciated.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 5, 2006, at 6:47 AM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Ray,

My apologies if I missed a recent thread on this.  Is there a recipe somewhere for building stand alones in 2.7.4?

Errors: File [path into app's bundle] is not a Metacard engine.

please take a look at the Yahoo MC IDE group.
There you will find explicit info about this topic.

Drop a line if you do not want to register for this group and I will send
you the infos directly.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software


Klaus Major

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