Tereza Snyder wrote:

The TestUB app appears briefly in the dock and disappears.

This is Richard's problem too. Sounds like a plist thing to me, but he did try my working plist and got the same results. So something else is going on, and since it doesn't happen to everyone it is hard to nail down.

There is an extraneous MetaCard.app in the bundle. I delete it. Still doesn't work. Permissions are correct.

One thing I always avoid is building on top of an existing build. At least until you get this figured out, I suggest always building to a folder that doesn't contain an existing copy of the standalone.

(The extraneous MetaCard.app in the bundles appear when there is already a built standalone at the destination location. If I delete the destination .app first, the extra copy doesn't appear. However, my ultimate goal is to upgrade my own standalone builder which changes only the executable within the bundle because I store all my app's files (e.g. LOTS of graphics) INSIDE the bundle.

The best way to do this (assuming you get the SB working) would be to build in a temporary location, then delete the executable file from the older app bundle, and copy the new executable into the older bundle. Then delete what's left of the newly built bundle.

Whatever my motivation, I still cannot get the straight, normal MetaCard SB to make a viable UB standalone, much less my own refactored SB.)

One thing to try would be to build your standalone from within Revolution. Set the standalone settings to create a plist for you. After the standalone is built, copy the plist that was created into the MC standalone-building app you made. See if you can then create a working standalone from within MC.

I'm using a PowerPC G5, MacOS 10.4.8. I don't have an Intel Mac to work with.

Klaus, Jacque: Do you know what exact, specific difference there is between the PPC and UB build process?

The only difference is that 2 copies of the engine are inserted into the standalone, which means your UB standalone will be twice as large as a PPC one. Other than that, the build process is identical. However, if the thing launches and you see it in the dock briefly, I don't think it is a build problem, but rather a plist problem.

Unfortunately, Richard couldn't get it to work using the same plist that works fine for me. That's why I suggest letting Rev create a plist for you as a template.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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