Hi Klaus,

Which errors exactly? I assume the errors are in no way related to your script?

You might want to search for sePrefGet or sePrefSet in Rev's QCC and add any relevant comments. I'd appreciate it very much.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Dutch forum: http://runrev.info/rrforum

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On 27 nov 2008, at 12:52, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Mark and all,

Hi Klaus,

What happens when you try to debug this?

I get some erros and that was it, no script editor :-/

But I did some more tests with different engines and "mctools" stacks.
Result: This is definitively an engine thing!

With engine >= 3 I get the described error
With engines < 3 all is fine

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Co


Klaus Major

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