Richmond Mathewson wrote:
Richard Gaskin wrote:

Know the engine.
Trust the engine.
Use the engine.

Mind-numbing mantras are used for just that; to numb the mind and stop
all discussion and critical thinking.

This is why, although I work only with RunRev, I keep looking at HyperNext,
Elefat and so on, because, while at the moment they amount to very little,
may, in due course, either give RunRev a run for its money, or prick it
not to become monopolistically complacent.

Metacard is not going forwards; it is now just an old, passé user interface
onto an engine that deserves and requires something a lot better; and that
something is already well developed: Runtime Revolution.

Thank you for your helpful comments. There's no requirement to use the MC IDE, and no one here is stopping you from using the Rev IDE.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Revolution training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
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