Michael, you are correct, I will do my best to stop cursing, and the name
calling is certainly below me, please remind me should I fail to remember
that in the heat that this list often generates. I appreciate that you
understand the dangers and difficulties in making the journey, let me tell
you how it goes.
I leave my house at 6 am, fly to Dallas and sit there for 5 hours, then fly
for 11 hours to Paris, then I have to spend 10 hours in Paris, (remember,
this is after traveling almost 18 hours and being dirty, tired etc). I go
say hello to Alain Carion, then sit at Orly airport for about 4 hours, fly
for 4 hours to Casablanca, sit there for about 4 hours, then fly to my last
destination, arriving there at 11:45 PM, then I drive for 3 hours with my
guide until 3 am local time, that is ~35 hours of travel, to get there, then
deal for several days, then repeat the process, none of it comfortable. the
last minute ticket costs me about $5000.00, that is money I risk without and
guarantee of gain, so I put alot of work and money and a fair amount risk
into this.
The price I am offering is 60% higher than I had hoped, it is still 500%
LOWER  than Deans price, 500% LOWER, what is to complain about?

I worked very very hard to get this to the market at the lowest possible
price, and succeeded to drop the price by 500%, if that is not a good thing,
then I do not know what is. I spent $64,000 to do this, I am not willing to
lose that much money, so to sell at my cost means that I flew halfway around
the world for nothing, no profit. So please, think about that, and let me
know if $3.20 gram is a fair price.
Mike Farmer
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Blood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 4:36 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Peace & Bensour

> Dear Mike,
> While I do not agree that a 60% increase is "around" the same
> price, neither do I want to see ANYONE take any major financial losses
> in this or any other situation.
> I am dissapointed you SIMPLY do not state you will stop calling
> names and using obscenities on the list. HOWEVER, I do grant you
> the following:
> 1) I believe you when you say this material COST you 3.20/g
> 2) It is big of you (and I mean that, sincerely) to pass it on at
> no profit to those who ordered at the time you offered it
> at "about $2/g."
> 3) I also acknowledge that after the initial 24hrs of taking orders
> at $~2/g you told everyone on the list that further orders would
> be based on a reasonable proffit, so, I do not feel ANYONE has
> a basis to gripe about whatever resonable price for which you
> offer the material  beyond the original orders taken - certainly,
> that would be a good deal MORE than $3.20/g, especially since
> you traveled half way round the world and back to get it.
>   ----------
> THAT BEING SAID, Mike, you really do owe it to the list not to
> 1) use obscenities
> 2) call people names & engage in attacks meant only to hurt others
> I am not sure why you couldn't bring yourself to simply commit
> to doing this, but I do hope you find it within yourself.
> You have a great resavour of energy that you often use to the benifit
> of yourself and everyone in both the private and in the scientific
> arenas
> of  meteoritics. It is a shame to use that energy to engage in negative
> campagning - especeially in a public forum.
> Sincere best wishes, Michael
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