Hello Dave and List,
The Gold Master II is used by many of the Gold Basin meteorite hunters.  It is now kind of an old model and can be purchased pretty cheap.  So it is kinda the bargin meteorite metal detector.  I picked up a second one on eBay for $200 and it came with a bunch of extras.  They work good and can be attached to your hip.  (Carry one for 4 hours and tell me how your arm feels).
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Schultz
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 9:44 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Metal Detector. sort of an add.
  Greetings. I guess that you can call this sort of a
want add, but I am kind of looking for a decent, used,
and reasonably priced metal detector that I can
purchase. I`ve been looking on eBay, but can`t
remember what type or brand to look for. Any
suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Dave. 

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