Hi List,

Some meteorites are hard to polish or just won't take a proper polish.
 Allende is one example that comes to mind readily.

I've got an endcut of NWA 801 CR2 that came from the Hupe Collection.
It has a wicked glossy polish on it that accentuates the chondrules.

I'm working on some CR2 slices that need polishing and they won't take
a decent polish.  I can get the saw marks out, but beyond that I can't
get a polish to take.  The more I try, it just muddies up the matrix
and subdues the features.  The metal fleck and rings around the
armored chondrules come out nicely, but the rest of the specimen
becomes muddy and the chondrules fade into the matrix.  What am I
doing wrong?  This particular CR2 is similar to NWA 801, but a little
more weathered.  Could that have something to do with it?

Do the Hupes have some magic trade-secret technique?  Or am I
overlooking something obvious?

I started out with 320 grit and then progressed to 400, 600, and 800
grit - hand sanding, dry, on wet/dry sandpaper.

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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