Hi Mike,
Speaking of fine polish, have you contacted Marcin Cimala of Polandmet
for his suggestions? His polish is absolute glass and class.

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 9:00 PM, John.L.Cabassi <j...@cabassi.net> wrote:
> G'Day Mike and List
> It sounds like you've got a dilemma. I'd like to go into it, but I feel
> that those that have posted have given you good advice. One additional
> piece of information, who I've not been able to equal is Tom Phillips'
> ability to create a mirror surface on a meteorite.  I kid you not, what
> I have in my possession would blow you away. It's a real shame that he
> doesn't post to the Met List anymore, but he has his reasons. I suppose
> it's similar to Michael Johnson's Picture of the Day,  I respect Tom in
> all aspects. He has guided me, been by my side, he recommended me for
> the IMCA. Yes, I know I shouldn't be mentioning the IMCA here on the Met
> List but he deserves a lot more than what people give him.
> I will gladly put you in contact with him if you're not able to make
> correspondence. He definitely is impeccable in all his work.
> Cheers
> John Cabassi
> IMCA 2125
> -----Original Message-----
> From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
> [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
> Michael Gilmer
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 6:06 AM
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Hard to Polish Meteorites - Any Ideas?
> Hi List,
> Some meteorites are hard to polish or just won't take a proper polish.
> Allende is one example that comes to mind readily.
> I've got an endcut of NWA 801 CR2 that came from the Hupe Collection. It
> has a wicked glossy polish on it that accentuates the chondrules.
> I'm working on some CR2 slices that need polishing and they won't take a
> decent polish.  I can get the saw marks out, but beyond that I can't get
> a polish to take.  The more I try, it just muddies up the matrix and
> subdues the features.  The metal fleck and rings around the armored
> chondrules come out nicely, but the rest of the specimen becomes muddy
> and the chondrules fade into the matrix.  What am I doing wrong?  This
> particular CR2 is similar to NWA 801, but a little more weathered.
> Could that have something to do with it?
> Do the Hupes have some magic trade-secret technique?  Or am I
> overlooking something obvious?
> I started out with 320 grit and then progressed to 400, 600, and 800
> grit - hand sanding, dry, on wet/dry sandpaper.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
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