Oued Awlitis 001 - Serendipity !

That's what I call serendipity ! Congratulations!

"History: (A. Irving and M. Aid) In January 2014 a group of eight people 
traveling in two cars were returning northward after an unsuccessful meteorite 
hunting trip to southern Morocco, when they stopped near Oued Awlitis to cook 
dinner by the roadside. During a search for firewood, Mr. Zaid Oussaid found a 
buried piece of dead tree trunk, but he could not excavate it by hand. With the 
use of a pickaxe he was able to pull the wood out of the ground, but he then 
noticed beside it in the cavity a flat ellipsoidal, brownish gray rock coated 
by glossy translucent crust with anastomozing wrinkle ridges. Upon returning to 
his home (at Dwar Ait Gazo, 30 km west of Tagounite), Mr. Oussaid showed the 
382 g specimen to Mr. Mohamed Aid, who organized a return trip to the find site 
on February 21, 2014, and after a search of the area an additional 50.5 g piece 
which fits exactly onto the main stone was found about 50 m away."



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