What a great find story!  A 500+ gram lunar is far better than a piece
of firewood.

Now, if only that would happen when I go camping here in the USA.  LOL.  :)

Best regards and Happy Huntings,


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On 7/6/14, karmaka via Meteorite-list
<meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
> Oued Awlitis 001 - Serendipity !
> That's what I call serendipity ! Congratulations!
> "History: (A. Irving and M. Aid) In January 2014 a group of eight people
> traveling in two cars were returning northward after an unsuccessful
> meteorite hunting trip to southern Morocco, when they stopped near Oued
> Awlitis to cook dinner by the roadside. During a search for firewood, Mr.
> Zaid Oussaid found a buried piece of dead tree trunk, but he could not
> excavate it by hand. With the use of a pickaxe he was able to pull the wood
> out of the ground, but he then noticed beside it in the cavity a flat
> ellipsoidal, brownish gray rock coated by glossy translucent crust with
> anastomozing wrinkle ridges. Upon returning to his home (at Dwar Ait Gazo,
> 30 km west of Tagounite), Mr. Oussaid showed the 382 g specimen to Mr.
> Mohamed Aid, who organized a return trip to the find site on February 21,
> 2014, and after a search of the area an additional 50.5 g piece which fits
> exactly onto the main stone was found about 50 m away."
> http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=60219
> Martin
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