Dear Meteorite-Central List, IMCA members and all meteorite friends, 

As already announced on the leaflets distributed last November in the Munich 
show, now that the “St George Brotherhood of the Ensisheim Meteorite Guardians” 
was officially dissolved in February this year, the 2016 Ensisheim meteorite 
show will be organized on the same basis as last year, namely by the recently 
created “Association of Friends of the Ensisheim Meteorite” and under the 
auspices of the “ City of Ensisheim” and of the “ Ensisheim Federation of 

Please find here preliminary news concerning this 17 th edition of the show. 

The place (Regency Palace in Ensisheim), the dates (the week preceding the Ste 
Marie show, namely from Friday June 17 to Sunday June 19, 2016), as well as the 
usual hall table arrangements, remain unchanged. 
Opening hours: 
Saturday: 9:30-18:30 (dealers access to the rooms possible from 7:30). 

Sunday: 9:30-16:30 (dealers access to the rooms possible from 8.00) 

The total number of dealer tables is limited to 58 (52 “regular” and 6 
“window-tables” in the consignment room). All tables are equal in size (160 x 
80 cm – note the large size). The price per table (not per meter), was slightly 
increased with respect to 2015, namely: 1 table = 170 euro; 2 tables = 320 
euro; 3 tables = 450 euro; 4 tables = 600 euro….) 

All past dealers/guests have full priority to reserve their last year table(s). 
Those who did not come last year (2015) had lost their priority and should be 
considered as “newcomers”. 

For the 2016 booking, we urgently ask our regular guests to do that ASAP, 
preferably before the end of April 2016 (slightly flexible deadline). 
However, if you already had reserved “implicitly” or “think that you have 
reserved”, please APPLY AGAIN (E-mail me in a couple of words) and confirm your 

If you can’t make it this year, please notify me that you want to cancel. This 
is very important and absolutely needed for me to readily assign tables to 
those who are on the waiting list. 

The organizers will attribute to the newcomers the layout of places within any 
of the 3 halls in the most appropriate way so as to meet as many wishes as 
possible. Note that the 3 halls are all equivalent, as the public must 
inevitably walk through. 
Tables are attributed to newcomers, as always, on a “first come, first served” 

For table reservation, just E-mail me ( 

To avoid money transfer complications and bank fee, we accept you pay the table 
renting, cash. Tables are to be paid on Saturday morning between 7:30 and 9:30 
to the treasurer, at the reception desk visible from the entrance door of the 
Regency building. Please prepare cash (preferred), though French checks are 
tolerated. Credit Cards are NOT accepted. 

To pay, the dealers and their assistants must wear their badges (or ask for at 
the reception desk). 
Badges are attributed on the following basis: 1 table reserved = 1 or 2 badges 
attributed; 2 tables, up to 3 badges; 3 tables, up to 4 badges, 4 tables, up to 
5 badges… 

If more people are officially part of a table team, they can either be 
considered as “public” and pay 4 euro as regular entrance fee, or pay 10 euro 
that includes the entrance during the dealer’s day on Friday and a badge. 
For this being possible, I’ll need very soon the full names of all the dealers 
and their assistants, so we can prepare the corresponding badges in time. 

People without badges are not considered as dealers, can’t occupy tables, nor 
are allowed to sell meteorites elsewhere within the buildings or on the Regency 

Maps and traveling indications could be found soon on the Ensisheim city web 
site: . 

The nearby hotels remain "Domaine du Moulin", “Les Loges de l’Ecomusée », 
"Niemerich" and "Cheval Blanc". 
More info about their location and characteristics (phone, fax, e-mail, web 
sites) are given on the official show flyer that is now ready and that you can 
find on the city web site from next Monday April 25. 
I can also send the flyer right now (mail) upon request. 

IMPORTANT: everybody must arrange for his own accommodation! 
If you call, they all do speak English and German. 

Friday June 17 is the "DEALER’S DAY" devoted for tables/booth set up. 
The Regency halls are exclusively open (13:30 – 18.00) to dealers wearing their 
badges, and NOT to the public. 
Note that dealers can also install their tables on Saturday morning (7:30 – 
9:30) after having collected their badges at the reception desk (entrance of 
the Regency palace) and pay their tables to the cashier present on the desk, 
prior to climb the stairs. 

On Friday, after the Regency rooms closure (18:00 sharp), gathering on the main 
square in front of the Regency is scheduled for dealers, assistants and invited 
persons at about 18:15, to attend the welcome addresses and the induction 
ceremonies of the new Honorary 
Members of the “Friends of Ensisheim Meteorite Association” (equivalent to the 
former Honorary Guardians nominations), but also to enjoy the traditional 
welcome drink. 

Note that the new inductees (“Meteorite Friends”) automatically acquire an 
equivalent honorary status as the former “Meteorite Guardians” (with a plaque 
and a diploma as memory) 

The traditional FRIDAY DINNER PARTY is maintained and starts at 20:00 inside 
the large tent set in on the Regency square. 
The restaurant "Le Boeuf Rouge" offers a special menu based on guinea fowl 
(approx. € 20, drinks not included): smoked salmon with brioche or pie with 
salad, stuffed guinea fowl thigh, vegetables & spaetzles, iced kougelhopf. You 
may also order a vegetarian menu . 
Needless to insist the dinner party is more than recommended and everybody 
(organizers, dealers, lecturers, public and all their friends…) is warmly 
If you want to attend, a reservation is a must. 
Just let me know by mail (for June 10 at the latest) the names of the persons 
interested and their menu selection so that we can fully meet all your 
commitments, needs and comfort. 

On Saturday evening the “Boeuf Rouge” restaurant is closed this year (fully 
booked for a private wedding). 
Dinner suggestion: possibility to enjoy under the Regency square tent, a 
flammeküche-based dinner or other local fast food (see flyer). 
Those who prefer having dinner elsewhere in the city are invited to return to 
the square after dinner and enjoy t he “Saturday night dance fever” and the 
evening discussions that currently continue up to about midnight (slightly 
flexible deadline). 

Show Theme: “METEORITES THAT HAVE CREATED A BUZZ ” (historical but also recent 
falls with some weird or funny anecdote behind…). 
Side theme: “PALLASITES” 

Two lectures (in French, but lecturers also speak English) 

1) “Planet, dwarf planet, asteroid, meteorite: what difference ?” (by Prof. 
J.C. Lefebvre - Liège university, Belgium), Saturday 11:00 – 12:00 

1) “Description of some famous historical meteorites” (by Marc Jost & Peter 
Marmet, Bern, CH), Sunday 11:00 – 12:00 

This year, we invite ALL OF YOU to participate to the THEMATIC EXHIBITION by 
bringing for display in the Regency museum showcases what you consider as the 
“best of the best” of your: 

A) Pallasites 
Here, everyone is invited to bring up to 5 pallasite samples (no more) selected 
for their pure aesthetics. 
As last year, we will organize a contest with public votes and reward the 3 
most appreciated pallasites, basically for their subjective beauty and not 
necessarily for their rigorous scientific significance. The 3 winning samples 
should allow their happy owners to appreciate a symbolic prize in the form of 
bottles of some traditional Alsatian wine, always unanimously esteemed. 

B) Historical meteorites 
Everyone can bring some historical meteorites and write a short text describing 
their fall characteristics. Just send me in time some informal labels with the 
meteorite name, size, weight and a brief description of their characteristics 
deserving a competitive display. Historical meteorites are not subject to a 
public contest. 


With warmly welcoming everybody to attend this special 17 th meteorite show in 
Ensisheim, I am now expecting to receive news from many of you and remain at 
your disposal to provide you with any kind of additional information. 

Thank you for your interest, 

My ever friendly wishes to everybody, 



        Zelimir GABELICA 

⟩ Université de Haute-Alsace 
3, Rue Alfred Werner - F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex 
Mail : 
Téléphone : +33 (0)3 8933 6894 
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