First of all , I've asked the list "HOW" do you access the archives, and to date i still don't know how the hell to do it nor have I received any kind of help on the matter. Second , What have you against these two gentlemen. Hey, they tutored me over the phone for a year , and did'nt screw me out of a lot of hard earned money .They sold me museum quality specimens because I did my homework and knew what a museum quality specimen should look like. It means a flawless 1/8" diamond saw slice of Imilac, 50% olivine 50% Ni/Fe that you can see your reflection in like a perfect mirror. So, Walt, please tell me how I can access the "ARCHIVES" and tell me what I will find there?. What, some uninformed joker trashing Ron Farrell and the bravest meteorite hunter and dealer of quality meteorites in history, Bob Haag, a "fair" seller and donator of free specimens to scientific institutions. Robert haag alone has contributed more to the science we're all trying to learn more about together on this (IMCA) of ours. Is that why you started off your Reply that way- what's up with that?. I honestly don't get it . What did they ever do to you?. I'm not trying to be nasty or anything like that Walt, just really would like to know your reason for starting off your post that way. What part of my homework did'nt I do? Seriously, how do you access these frieken archives everybody refers to. Thanks for any info. and explanation.
Roman N. (IMCA# 0583)

From: "Walter Branch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Meteorite Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] It is ridiculous now.
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 07:04:48 -0500


You wrote:

"...and Ron Farrell's advice and great knowledge"


"with established World Class Reputable Dealers"


"...know who I'm talking to and it's the same two mentioned above."


"Do your homework..."

Roman, with all due respect, I think the time it took you to write this
message would have been better spent doing homework of your own.  The list
archives would be a good place to start

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roman Nakonechny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] It is ridiculous now.

> Anyone buying meteorites should do their homework before purchasing a
> meteorite as far as I'm concerned. I spent a whole year studying -up on
> meteorites. With Bob Haag's and Ron Farrell's advice and great knowledge
> the many phone call's that they graciously put up with , I bought the
> pieces for the right prices- no hacksaw'ed pallasites with uneven cuts
> lousy polishes and rust stained , no 95% fusion crust that's only 20%, no
> Canyon Diablo's that were some cheap-ass Chinese fall- you get the
> If people want to deal with these Dealer Wannabes on E-bay who are less
> than reputable, and not with established World Class Reputable Dealers
> it's on them.I personally buy from catalogs and know who I'm talking to
> it's the same two mentioned above. Stay away from E-bay (rhyme) Do your
> homework or possibly get "Srewed" and receive a (mica schist ) Allende
> CAI'S and Wowy Gee Willickers, a one of a kind slag meteorite from an
> unknown mining civilization in our own Solar System, no less. There's
> no excuse except laziness and the rush to recklessly buy these
> , unanalyzed, just totally unethical sellers of pseudo-meteorites and
> thousands of other items through "Thievery " web sites. I don't care if
> Dealer Wannabe's think they're selling
> real meteorites, it's the persons job - the one buying the meteorite - to
> make sure one way or another that it is a meteorite- the real deal
> Have A Good Night.
> ( I M C A # 0583) Roman N. -Informed Collector
> >From: "stan ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] It is ridiculous now.
> >Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 21:12:28 +0000
> >
> >
> >
> >>Finally, the IMCA, if going that route, can play the same game as ebay:
> >>"While all of our members are in good standing, the organization is not
> >>responsible for the comments of the anti fraud squad section of the
> >>website, and
> >>provides it only as a convenient free service to interchange feedback of
> >>potential
> >>interest to buyers concerned with authenticity of their purchases.
> >>Comments
> >>reflect the opinions of the posters, and IMCA does not permit members in
> >>good
> >>standing to post knowingly false or misleading feedback. Any member
> >>so will
> >>be expelled and such expulsion documented on this site in "Former
> >>Members".
> >
> >
> >as someone has already pointed out, such an arraingment would open one's
> >self up to liable, as a specific person is making the statement, as
> >to the imca if it were ever incorporated.
> >
> >if the imca is going to allow / force individual members to put their
> >out in exposing fruad / possible fraud, then there really isnt much point
> >for the group to exist, at least not if the type of efforts the list is
> >talking about are to be actually followed through on..
> >
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