On Tue, 24 May 2005 03:30:27 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>of my ears like hot plasma.  Le grité al mesero, "MESERO!"   Hay un 
>grano de sal en este salero tan chiquillo.  Y como  pensaba que él era 
>experto en esos asuntos, y yo, andaba tan mortificado, le  suplicaba que me 
>respuesta a qué se debía ese enorme grano de sal allí en  mi triste salero. 
>Todo un caballero, me inspiró mucha confianza al  decirme, "Sí, señor, no 
>tardo ni un instante."  Y se desvaneció.   Estaba por reventar mi pobre 
>pero enseguida se presentaba el joven  mesero con una tremenda Margarita. Solo 
>me dijo, y con mucho respeto, ¡¡ Primero  quítale la tapita del salero, 
>sácate el enorme granito, y te la echas y te  la tomas todita !!

Thoughts not adequately expressed in English?

Here's what Babelfish made of it.  Oddly enough, I get lots of spam that reads 
pretty much like

I shouted to him to the mesero, "MESERO" Chiquillo is grandísimo grain of salt 
in this saltcellar
so. And as it thought that it was expert in those subjects, and I, walked 
mortificado, him so
suplicaba that she gave answer there me to what had that enormous grain of salt 
in my sad
saltcellar. Everything a horseman, inspired much confidence to me when saying 
to me, "Yes,
gentleman, I do not take nor a moment." And one vanished. It was about to to 
burst my poor heart,
but immediately the young mesero with a tremendous Daisy appeared. Single it 
said to me, and with
much respect, First quítale the small cover of the saltcellar, soon sácate 
the enormous granite, and
you you throw and you the takings todita!
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