Spare me the sob story. We all see these "Christian" groups on TV. I live the "Christian Children's Fund" commercials. The dirty kids walking in sewage, then the really clean guy begging for money and telling you they will send you photos and letters from the child. What a crock of crap. Sure, they help people, they do it with their own agenda at the front too. Southpark did a great parody episode regarding these groups and their morals and goals. I grew up Christian, so I have seen all they have to offer. I am sure they will help the people there, minus the 10% administration fee (Of course tithing to the church is 10% of your income) so 10% of my donation would go to the evangelical mission of converting the heathens and waging war all over the world.
No thanks.
I will pull my meteorite donations if any part of this raffle is going to and religious groups. Churches are huge in this country, they can handle themselves just fine I think.

Mike Farmer

----- Original Message ----- From: "AL Mitterling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Michael L Blood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteorite List" <>
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Orleans

Hi Michael and all,

Michael, they are simply helping the people down there with no strings attached. Do a bit of research before you put them down. Better yet they are giving most of the money donated to where it belongs and not paying some fat administrator a six figure sum which does nothing to help the poor people down there. I think it is best to put money where it will do the most good and go to where it is suppose to go.

I understand that some people wouldn't want to give to a Christian Organization and I appreciate and respect that but I think that Billy Graham has a sterling reputation and this organization really helps people out. I don't think that the Samaritan's Purse operates as a religious organization but rather as a humanitarian group. There are some organizations that don't operate political and put prejudices aside and do what they should do and in this case it is simply helping the victims of all this.

No doubt there there are other organizations out there that also have similar goals that people can donate to but please do your research or most of the money can end up in the wrong place. All my best!

--AL Mitterling

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