Hello Michael and All,

I'm one of 3 Serges ;-)

Mike, Good idea (for me)!

I just started a new poll at my web site to see what other people think
about it.

So let's see.

Anyway, Mike, I can offer you my help. This is a time consuming thing to
update an html page every time when you will receive a new image. I can make
a simple
website where people will upload their "faces" and names by them selves.
I can make it in a few days and can host it on my server.

Of course it will state something like "Michael Blood's faces collection"
;-))) or
whatever you want (you brought this idea up even that I was thinking about
it also).

What do you think?

www.sv-meteorites.com (on the left side below the main menu).

All the best,

Hi all,
        I am in the process of putting together a METEORITE FRIENDS web
page. Now, the fact is, there are only about 3 meteorite collectors or
dealers I have ever encountered I don't consider a friend. I have several
collector friends that have never bought from me, so, it doesn't mean
"customer" - and I don't care whether you are the world's largest dealer
or only sold one meteorite on eBay once upon a time.
        One of the purposes of this METEORITE FRIENDS page is to provide
a "face with the name" for people in the meteorite community, so, if you
don't go to Tucson, or, when you did/do you miss/ed half the people
you have heard of, etc, you can actually "look them up" and see their
handsome (or in a few cases, beautiful) mug.
        I was going to just make it random, but then it occurred to me that
eventually it would probably be used as a reference, so, I will probably put
it in alphabetical order - either by first name or last - probably first, so
as to make things easier.
        In any event, the point is, I would really like it if you ALL would
email me a JPG as an attachment (not some other method - people seam
to always be able to find some way of sending me photos that doesn't work.
Just attach a JPG - or, much better, SEVERAL jpgs of yourself - or, in the
case of couples - of both of you to allow me to choose the one I deem most
flattering and realistic.
        It would be fun to do a meteorite Jib-Jab thingy, but I ain't that
gifted - nor do I have the time. However, I do think it would be fun to have
a huge collection of all our faces to go with our names.
        Please RSVP to me directly.
        All you non-Americans are VERY MUCH invited to participate  - I
wanna see at least 3 Serges up there (ya, I know my spelling sucks - sorry)
        Of course, if you, for some ego trip or super sleuth motivation do
not want anyone to know what you look like, to bad, you don't get to play.
        Please do not forget to mention your first and last name. There are
a couple of reasons for this: 1) I am spelling impaired and 2) because of
that same disability, I forget names like you wouldn't believe (most people
do not believe I once forgot my own name - albeit very briefly).
        So, don't hesitate, pull out all them JPGs of yourself and send 'm
in to Uncle Mikie and before the next ice age I will get a page up any and
all can enjoy.
        Thanks, Michael

The thing that sometimes has me hazy is whether it is them or I that's
        Albert Einstein
"He is not a lover who does not love forever." - Euripides (485-406BC)

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