Hello List,

Great show, great party!  Thanks Geoff and everyone who helped make it 
possible.  I hope I can make it next week for the Meteorite Men party.

I was a pleasure visiting with everyone tonight.  Now I'm even more excited 
that the show is just around the corner, and the first comprehensive AZ 
meteorites exhibition!  It's going to be an exciting show this year - I look 
forward to visiting with everyone some more.

Mark B
Vail, AZ

> -----Original Message-----
> From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
> [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
> meteorh...@aol.com
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:04 PM
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Men invite, and thanks
> Hey List,
> It is with great pleasure that  I invite all of you to sit down tonight and
> to take a journey to Canada with  Geoff Notkin and myself on Science Channel
> (9pm Eastern) on our first episode of  our first season of "Meteorite Men"
> the Series.
> I haven't seen the  episode myself yet, but some of our friends in the
> production office have, and  it promises to be a fun adventure and (don't
> tell anyone I said this, but) we do  find some meteorites in this episode.
> Geoff and I are keenly aware  that this TV series might be the best
> opportunity for the meteorite collecting  community to put our best foot
> forward and show the world a glimpse into what  makes our passion of
> collecting so exciting.  Of course we have to mix the  geeky science with a
> little humor and drama, or people won't stick around for  the end of the
> show, and won't come back next week.
> I want to give a HUGE  amount of credit to our LMNO Productions team.  We
> have had over 95 people  working on this show on the production side, not to
> mention the hundreds of  people working over on the Science Channel and
> Discovery Network to make this  happen.  Millions of dollars have been
> invested to bring this episode to  air, and it is very humbling realizing
> that while Geoff and I have our faces on  screen, NONE of this would be
> possible without the team behind the scenes.
> And, I would be remiss to not take the time to thank ALL of you that  have
> supported me over the last 18 years when I have tried to eek out a living in
> this crazy business.  If it weren't for the scientists who study these
> rocks, if it weren't for the collecting customers that buy a piece here and
> a
> slice there from me,  tonight would never have become a reality.
> I have to give a huge shout out to Blaine Reed who was my one and only
> customer for the first 6 years of my meteorite career.  In a business of
> "buy low and sell high," somehow, Blaine had a philosophy of "How much can I
> afford to pay Steve for what he brings me?" as opposed to "How cheap can I
> get these rocks from Steve?"  Blaine, if it weren't for you buddy, I would
> have  been out of this business before I even got into it.  I owe you a big
> Margarita at the Birthday Bash, and every Birthday Bash from here on out.
> In
> fact, anyone who likes this show tonight, buy Blaine a drink before you
> offer  me one, ok?
> Of course kudos have to go out to THE Meteorite Man Bob Haag,  who blazed a
> trail through a jungle that we all are enjoying the fruits of  now.
> Harvey Nininger, Oscar Monnig, Glen Huss, H.O. Stockwell, just to  name a
> few, are pillars that hold the roof over all of our heads now.
> I  have to thank my amazing wife, Qynne, and the two greatest daughters a
> guy could  ever hope to have, Lauren and Kelsey who have shared me and my
> time with this  calling.
> A big thanks goes out to Phil Mani who on a gut feeling  supported the
> Brenham adventure a few years back, which was one domino in the  series to
> fall that led to all of this.
> There is a huge amount of credit  and thanks that needs to be extended to
> the 8n8 crew that inadvertently  journeyed with me to the Alpha site several
> years back which ended up being in  our pilot episode.  All of you guys are
> getting your financial return on  the project, but also know from me that
> you guys also deserve a monster sized  "Thank You."  You are appreciated
> more than you will ever know.
> And  personally, I have to give the greatest amount of credit to my hunting
> partner  Geoff Notkin. If it weren't for Geoff's talents and true
> gentlemanly qualities,  none of this, and I mean NONE of this would have
> happened.
> For some  reason, one guy hunting rocks on TV is not enough to make anyone
> take a second  look.  And even two guys hunting for space rocks is not
> enough either.  Geoff's ability to articulate WHY these amazing visitors
> from space are so special adds an element that I don't think anyone else in
> the meteorite world could have been able to do.  Of course there are others
> that can talk about why meteorites are great, but Geoff will get his
> fingernails dirty, jump in a hole, get excited with the rest of us, and
> still be able to  articulate to the audience why he is, so excited, and why
> the viewers at home  should be too.
> You might notice in the written descriptions about the  show where sometimes
> it might say "Steve Arnold and Geoff Notkin..." and other  times it will say
> "Geoff Notkin and Steve Arnold..." I suppose the powers that  be want to
> give us equal credit in flip flopping our names from time to  time.  And
> while ego might want one's name to show up first, I really do  like it when
> Geoff's name is first, because I know I could be replaced in this  show far
> easier than he ever could.  In fact, I am certain without Geoff,  none of
> this would be remotely possible.  Geoff, thank you.  I am so  proud to count
> you as a dear friend, first, and as a hunting partner  second.  Cheers ol'
> chap!
> The more that happens, the more I see  that we are one big "organism" that
> depends on itself to sustain itself.  I  found myself so excited for Shauna
> Russell today as I watched the video of her  digging out the Springwater
> meteorite.  Yes, she is a competitor of mine in  our field, but she is also
> a colleague in the field of rescuing these rusting  messengers before it is
> too late.  Congrats Shauna.  We all should be  excited for her. Competition
> makes us all sharper.  So a big "thank  you" goes out to the other dealers
> and hunters in our community, that compete  with passion with and even
> against us, but still compete fairly.
> We live  on a big planet.  There are plenty of meteorites for all of us to
> find.  And the "Meteorite Men" series is undoubtedly going to increase both
> collectors and hunters alike.  It is my desire that in the end, many more
> meteorites will be found, more collectors will be generated to support the
> expeditions of us all, more kids will be encouraged to follow a vocation of
> being scientists and more meteoriticists will be entering the field, and
> more  funding will be provided for research, curating and displaying
> meteorites world  wide.
> Our goal isn't to get more of the limited sized pie, but to help  make the
> pie much bigger for us all.
> Add everyone up that gets credit for  the new series, and we are easily into
> the thousands.
> It is  Geoff's and my desire that we do you all proud.  Of course, as the
> saying  goes, "If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one."
> So, the  bottom line is: the network wants to please enough people so that
> the  advertising revenues will justify the money invested in the project.
> Some of America will undoubtedly not be impressed.  Some in the meteorite
> world too will undoubtedly not be impressed.  For that we are  sorry. But,
> we are doing our best, and we want to thank everyone  that has helped make
> tonight a reality.
> If I could do it, I would give  ALL of you a Harvey Award!
> Cheers!
> Steve  Arnold
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