Right on Larry, they had a 10" dob on the patio and lot's of folks were treated 
to a nice view of the moon, and low power looks at Mars.  Great venue!  I think 
I'm tied up next week because I have secretarial duties at an annual business 
meeting (but hoping I'm wrong - or able to come late).

Anyways, for those who couldn't make it last night, make an effort to attend 
next week.  It's a guaranteed great time!


----- Original Message ----
From: "lebof...@lpl.arizona.edu" <lebof...@lpl.arizona.edu>
To: Mark Bowling <mina...@yahoo.com>
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 3:19:40 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Men invite, and thanks

Yes, Mark, it was a great party. It was good to see everyone there!

And it was clear!

Hope to see everyone at the Lunar Lab exhibit on Saturday January 30.

Larry in Tucson

> Hello List,
> Great show, great party!  Thanks Geoff and everyone who helped make it
> possible.  I hope I can make it next week for the Meteorite Men party.
> I was a pleasure visiting with everyone tonight.  Now I'm even
> more excited that the show is just around the corner, and the first
> comprehensive AZ meteorites exhibition!  It's going to be an exciting show
> this year - I look forward to visiting with everyone some more.
> Mark B
> Vail, AZ
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
>> [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
>> meteorh...@aol.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:04 PM
>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Men invite, and thanks
>> Hey List,
>> It is with great pleasure that  I invite all of you to sit down tonight
>> and
>> to take a journey to Canada with  Geoff Notkin and myself on Science
>> Channel
>> (9pm Eastern) on our first episode of  our first season of "Meteorite
>> Men"
>> the Series.
>> I haven't seen the  episode myself yet, but some of our friends in the
>> production office have, and  it promises to be a fun adventure and
>> (don't
>> tell anyone I said this, but) we do  find some meteorites in this
>> episode.
>> Geoff and I are keenly aware  that this TV series might be the best
>> opportunity for the meteorite collecting  community to put our best foot
>> forward and show the world a glimpse into what  makes our passion of
>> collecting so exciting.  Of course we have to mix the  geeky science
>> with a
>> little humor and drama, or people won't stick around for  the end of the
>> show, and won't come back next week.
>> I want to give a HUGE  amount of credit to our LMNO Productions team. 
>> We
>> have had over 95 people  working on this show on the production side,
>> not to
>> mention the hundreds of  people working over on the Science Channel and
>> Discovery Network to make this  happen.  Millions of dollars have been
>> invested to bring this episode to  air, and it is very humbling
>> realizing
>> that while Geoff and I have our faces on  screen, NONE of this would be
>> possible without the team behind the scenes.
>> And, I would be remiss to not take the time to thank ALL of you that 
>> have
>> supported me over the last 18 years when I have tried to eek out a
>> living in
>> this crazy business.  If it weren't for the scientists who study these
>> rocks, if it weren't for the collecting customers that buy a piece here
>> and
>> a
>> slice there from me,  tonight would never have become a reality.
>> I have to give a huge shout out to Blaine Reed who was my one and only
>> customer for the first 6 years of my meteorite career.  In a business of
>> "buy low and sell high," somehow, Blaine had a philosophy of "How much
>> can I
>> afford to pay Steve for what he brings me?" as opposed to "How cheap can
>> I
>> get these rocks from Steve?"  Blaine, if it weren't for you buddy, I
>> would
>> have  been out of this business before I even got into it.  I owe you a
>> big
>> Margarita at the Birthday Bash, and every Birthday Bash from here on
>> out.
>> In
>> fact, anyone who likes this show tonight, buy Blaine a drink before you
>> offer  me one, ok?
>> Of course kudos have to go out to THE Meteorite Man Bob Haag,  who
>> blazed a
>> trail through a jungle that we all are enjoying the fruits of  now.
>> Harvey Nininger, Oscar Monnig, Glen Huss, H.O. Stockwell, just to  name
>> a
>> few, are pillars that hold the roof over all of our heads now.
>> I  have to thank my amazing wife, Qynne, and the two greatest daughters
>> a
>> guy could  ever hope to have, Lauren and Kelsey who have shared me and
>> my
>> time with this  calling.
>> A big thanks goes out to Phil Mani who on a gut feeling  supported the
>> Brenham adventure a few years back, which was one domino in the  series
>> to
>> fall that led to all of this.
>> There is a huge amount of credit  and thanks that needs to be extended
>> to
>> the 8n8 crew that inadvertently  journeyed with me to the Alpha site
>> several
>> years back which ended up being in  our pilot episode.  All of you guys
>> are
>> getting your financial return on  the project, but also know from me
>> that
>> you guys also deserve a monster sized  "Thank You."  You are appreciated
>> more than you will ever know.
>> And  personally, I have to give the greatest amount of credit to my
>> hunting
>> partner  Geoff Notkin. If it weren't for Geoff's talents and true
>> gentlemanly qualities,  none of this, and I mean NONE of this would have
>> happened.
>> For some  reason, one guy hunting rocks on TV is not enough to make
>> anyone
>> take a second  look.  And even two guys hunting for space rocks is not
>> enough either.  Geoff's ability to articulate WHY these amazing visitors
>> from space are so special adds an element that I don't think anyone else
>> in
>> the meteorite world could have been able to do.  Of course there are
>> others
>> that can talk about why meteorites are great, but Geoff will get his
>> fingernails dirty, jump in a hole, get excited with the rest of us, and
>> still be able to  articulate to the audience why he is, so excited, and
>> why
>> the viewers at home  should be too.
>> You might notice in the written descriptions about the  show where
>> sometimes
>> it might say "Steve Arnold and Geoff Notkin..." and other  times it will
>> say
>> "Geoff Notkin and Steve Arnold..." I suppose the powers that  be want to
>> give us equal credit in flip flopping our names from time to  time.  And
>> while ego might want one's name to show up first, I really do  like it
>> when
>> Geoff's name is first, because I know I could be replaced in this  show
>> far
>> easier than he ever could.  In fact, I am certain without Geoff,  none
>> of
>> this would be remotely possible.  Geoff, thank you.  I am so  proud to
>> count
>> you as a dear friend, first, and as a hunting partner  second.  Cheers
>> ol'
>> chap!
>> The more that happens, the more I see  that we are one big "organism"
>> that
>> depends on itself to sustain itself.  I  found myself so excited for
>> Shauna
>> Russell today as I watched the video of her  digging out the Springwater
>> meteorite.  Yes, she is a competitor of mine in  our field, but she is
>> also
>> a colleague in the field of rescuing these rusting  messengers before it
>> is
>> too late.  Congrats Shauna.  We all should be  excited for her.
>> Competition
>> makes us all sharper.  So a big "thank  you" goes out to the other
>> dealers
>> and hunters in our community, that compete  with passion with and even
>> against us, but still compete fairly.
>> We live  on a big planet.  There are plenty of meteorites for all of us
>> to
>> find.  And the "Meteorite Men" series is undoubtedly going to increase
>> both
>> collectors and hunters alike.  It is my desire that in the end, many
>> more
>> meteorites will be found, more collectors will be generated to support
>> the
>> expeditions of us all, more kids will be encouraged to follow a vocation
>> of
>> being scientists and more meteoriticists will be entering the field, and
>> more  funding will be provided for research, curating and displaying
>> meteorites world  wide.
>> Our goal isn't to get more of the limited sized pie, but to help  make
>> the
>> pie much bigger for us all.
>> Add everyone up that gets credit for  the new series, and we are easily
>> into
>> the thousands.
>> It is  Geoff's and my desire that we do you all proud.  Of course, as
>> the
>> saying  goes, "If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no
>> one."
>> So, the  bottom line is: the network wants to please enough people so
>> that
>> the  advertising revenues will justify the money invested in the
>> project.
>> Some of America will undoubtedly not be impressed.  Some in the
>> meteorite
>> world too will undoubtedly not be impressed.  For that we are  sorry.
>> But,
>> we are doing our best, and we want to thank everyone  that has helped
>> make
>> tonight a reality.
>> If I could do it, I would give  ALL of you a Harvey Award!
>> Cheers!
>> Steve  Arnold
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