It looks like a piece of cinderblock using ground up industrial slag as the 

Mike Fowler

not too far from where US Steel South Works used to be located.

> yes, that had been my first thought, mortar or concrete, however it has 
> numerous spherical glassy inclusions, and what look like larger melted 
> black glassy features. Some of the spherules are very glassy clear 
> red-brown some are opaque non glassy. I think I have just found one 
> small metallic grain. Only thing is its not normal for concrete to have 
> perfectly spherical glassy features? 
> I've just uploaded another pic showing a spherule. 
> The black inclusions in the pic are quite glassy looking, with vesicles 
> in them. 
> Any help appreciated with this one, it's a bit strange! 
> Mark 
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