Hi Mark

Concrete would be my guess too. That being the case it should have a 
considerably lower specific gravity than a meteorite. I'm sure they won't mind 
if you dump it in water to test that! I recently had a guy see a new type of 
tektite fall from the sky. Amazingly it looked like a marble and even had 
yellow, red and blue frit on it. I had to tell the guy someone had probably 
thrown it at him....


--- On Wed, 15/9/10, Mark Ford <mark.f...@ssl.gb.com> wrote:

> From: Mark Ford <mark.f...@ssl.gb.com>
> Subject: [meteorite-list] FW: Rock identification??
> To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Wednesday, 15 September, 2010, 13:51
> Hi,
> I was recently sent a rock, the accompanying story was that
> it landed near someone with high velocity and was warm/hot
> to the touch. (Normally this story rings alarm bells as
> meteorites are generally not known to be warm especially
> small ones), however upon looking at the rock, it appears to
> have chondrules (or chondrule like objects), but has no
> fusion crust. 
>  Its about 27mm x 19mm, and is very slightly attracted to
> a strong magnet, (enough for the rock to move when a magnet
> is put next to it.
> I can't explain what i'm seeing, these chondrule like
> features are near perfect spherules!,  however I can't see
> any metal grains!
> Under mag there are numerous spherules, and other
> unidentifiable  inclusions, the matrix is a grey to light
> beige colour.
> Anyone care to take a stab at what this is?
> Pics at :  http://s911.photobucket.com/albums/ac315/meteoritemark/
> (Click the pics for a bigger view)
> Mark
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