I am not going to debate this;  for sadly obvious reasons, there exists a 
bounty of agenda-bent mis- and disinformation---which now includes my previous 
statement: I should have more circumspectly indicated Einstein was "selectively 

 In contemporary Judaism, there is a big difference between "religious" and 
"observant."   But enough of this.  All best / Darryl

On Mar 3, 2011, at 11:52 AM, JoshuaTreeMuseum wrote:

> To provide a bit of clarification to the foregoing....Albert Einstein was 
> born to into a non-religious Jewish family and as an extremely young child 
> attended Catholic School for a couple of years; throughout his life Einstein 
> was an observant Jew.
> --------------------
> That's not true, Einstein was a non-observant Jew throughout his life, like 
> his parents. He only kept kosher and attended synagogue for a short time in 
> his youth. He gave up belief in the religious tenets of Judaism at age 12 
> just before his bar mitzvah.
> -------------------
> Shortly after his 50th birthday, Einstein declares he's not a religious Jew 
> in an interview with George Sylvester Viereck:
> "I am a determinist. I do not believe in free will. Jews believe in free 
> will. They believe that man shapes his own life. I reject that doctrine. In 
> that respect I am not a Jew."
> Read more: 
> http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1607298-2,00.html#ixzz1FYXWD1AD
> --------------
> Phil Whitmer
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