So if you don't forward the original how do you state the chain of custody?

Also, when you purchase a stone do you automatically become part of the provenance?? I know that sounds like an elemental question but I am still learning here.

Stuart McDaniel
Lawndale, NC
Cleve. Co. Astronomical Society
-----Original Message----- From: martin goff
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Cards - changing mass

Hi all,

I always include my own specimen card with any specimen that i sell on
and have done since i started collecting. This is not because i place
any importance on myself or the 'added value' that this might place on
a specimen but because i do feel it is important to show the chain of
custody of each and every specimen, whether a small micromount or a
museum piece. To me this chain of ownership is important whether you
are a dealer, a big name famous historic collector or a brand new
collector, it makes no difference but just adds to the story of each

If i have refinished a specimen and lost some weight in the process i
write the new weight on my card and in the comments section at the
bottom i add that due to refinishing the weight has changed whilst in
my temporary custody.  I have numerous specimens where the chain of
ownership is shown by 6 or more specimen cards of various dealers or
collectors. In some of these there have been numerous weight changes
down the line yet from the cards i can see who did what and when, this
is important info and needs to be recorded.

On this note although i understand why some dealers do not include
previous owners cards to not make obvious where they obtained the
specimen i have to say it is a pet hate of mine when this happens. I
like to have as much information as possible on the provenance of
every piece and the chain of ownership as Mike says is a big part of

Good discussion!



Martin Goff
IMCA #3387
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