Mike F, if you can read these posts (?) why don't you consider writing a book instead ? I'm serious. I've never met you, although I've known of you for a while....seems like we'd all want to read it... :)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Matson, Robert D." <robert.d.mat...@saic.com>
To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 8:16 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Disclosure

Hi All,

I'm all in favor of Art probationally allowing Mike to rejoin the
MetList to tell his story. I honestly think nothing but good can
come from allowing Mike and Robert to relate their experiences in
Oman so that we can at least learn some anecdotal information
about the legality of searching for meteorites in that country,
and the potential consequences of doing so.

There is no denying that John Blennert warned Mike of the unfavorable
situation in Oman (of which John would certainly know). So I, for
one, am quite curious to understand the reason why Mike ultimately
decided it was worth risking continued travels there. In his defense,
Mike has been to Oman countless times without incident, so I can see
why he might poo-poo Blennert's warnings. And if the Omani government
was so focused on detaining/encarcerating Mike, how is it that they
failed to do so on the many visits that occurred subsequent to John's
warning? Is the customs department that incompetent? It's not like
Mike was travelling under an alias.

Of course, most of this is water under the bridge since Mike and
Robert ~were~ ultimately detained and jailed. But now that they are
safely stateside, I would love to hear (read) their side of the
story. What better place to read it than here?  --Rob
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