
Fine suggestion. My posts are and have been moderated since last April so I can 
assure you moderated mode works. I'm sure I'm not the only one in limbo. The 
system is already in place so what's the harm?


> Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 20:16:38 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Disclosure
> Hi All,
> I'm all in favor of Art probationally allowing Mike to rejoin the
> MetList to tell his story. I honestly think nothing but good can
> come from allowing Mike and Robert to relate their experiences in
> Oman so that we can at least learn some anecdotal information
> about the legality of searching for meteorites in that country,
> and the potential consequences of doing so.
> There is no denying that John Blennert warned Mike of the unfavorable
> situation in Oman (of which John would certainly know). So I, for
> one, am quite curious to understand the reason why Mike ultimately
> decided it was worth risking continued travels there. In his defense,
> Mike has been to Oman countless times without incident, so I can see
> why he might poo-poo Blennert's warnings. And if the Omani government
> was so focused on detaining/encarcerating Mike, how is it that they
> failed to do so on the many visits that occurred subsequent to John's
> warning? Is the customs department that incompetent? It's not like
> Mike was travelling under an alias.
> Of course, most of this is water under the bridge since Mike and
> Robert ~were~ ultimately detained and jailed. But now that they are
> safely stateside, I would love to hear (read) their side of the
> story. What better place to read it than here? --Rob                          
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