Hi List. Again for those Newbie Collectors and those who just want a refresher course on understanding the in and outs and do's and don'ts of collecting meteorites please check out my eBay Meteorite Info page on my Website. (Link Below) Even though this page uses eBay as a pathway to collecting meteorites it is also intended to make aware any collector of meteorites, a way to protect yourself and monies when purchasing from any Seller be it a Dealer or the "Weekend type Seller" This page was created from my years of experience of collecting and selling meteorites and the harsh lessons and mistakes I made along the way. There is something anyone can learn or be reminded of on this page. Since we do not live in a perfect world, mistakes do happen in Selling/Buying meteorites amongst Buyers and Sellers. There is a difference between a mistake and a deliberate fraud. The best defense is a great offence...educate yourself on who you deal with and ALWAYS ask questions if concerned about a certain specimen or Seller/Dealer. My Motto I use when buying meteorites is ...."If there is a single doubt, I the Buyer will bow out".

eBay Meteorite Info page- http://www.ctreasurescwonders.com/ebay_meteorite_info_b.html

Thank you.
Sincerely Don Merchant
Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders
IMCA #0960
----- Original Message ----- From: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritem...@gmail.com>
To: <warne...@astro.umd.edu>
Cc: "Meteorite-List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 8:49 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Bogus Specimens, IMCA membership,and honesty issues.

Hi Elizabeth and List,

Before I say anything - everyone here should thank Jason Utas for
investigating and exposing this fraud on his own time with his own
money.  He did not have to do that, but he did so because he cares
about meteorites and honor.  Microprobe results do not lie.  My hat is
off to you sir.

A seller's reputation and a man/woman's word has nothing to do with
what groups they join, clubs they frequent, or mailing lists they are
a member of.  Reputation is something that is built up over time
through deeds and through personal interaction with others.  Honesty
is an attribute that comes from within a person and it speaks of their
character.  No group, clique, club, or fraternity can bestow honesty
upon a person by association

To rely on a group endorsement is folly - I have known a couple of
MENSA members who didn't have the common sense to come in from the
rain.  And I have seen a few IMCA members who I wouldn't trust any
further than I can throw.  Having said that, like Jason Utas said - I
am thankful that the IMCA exists because it is better than no
oversight at all.
As with every collectible - buyer beware, investigate your seller
(beyond looking for a nifty GIF on a website), and do your homework on
the subject matter.

I don't have to post my entire chain of provenance for each specimen
on my website because how I conduct my business and who I conduct it
with is not a matter of public record for anyone to see - it is
confidential between me, my sources, and my clients.  That information
is available to my clients, not search engine spiders.  And if anyone
out there suggests there is something shady about not sharing
provenance information with the entire world (including non-clients
who have nothing to do with a given specimen), I suggest they run
their own business and be concerned with their own house of

The events in question do not involve me.  I purchase all of my
specimens from people I trust and not based on a string of
alpha-numeric characters tacked onto an email signature.  My trust has
never been violated (*knock on wood*), because I carefully select and
vett my sources.

Also, if any client or trading partner of mine ever wants to know
exactly where I acquired a specimen - ask me privately and I will be
happy to share that information.

And yes - I checked my records and my sources carefully when this
drama broke out - the few pieces of Mifflin (mostly micro crumbs) that
I have offered in the past, are all bona-fide Mifflin, without
exception.  They were not acquired directly or indirectly from the
questionable sources at the heart of this clusterphuck.

If you purchased Mifflin from me, it is indeed Mifflin.  If you
purchased A, B, C, or D, from me, it is indeed A, B, C, or D.

Best regards,


PS - if the IMCA has a "black list" of dealers who are not to be
trusted, I suggest they share that list with all other dealers,
including non-IMCA members.  To keep such a list secret is
irresponsible and detrimental to the integrity of the meteorite market
as a whole.

PSS - all too often, the meteorite market is a good-ole boys (and
girls) affair that involves a lot of whispered tones, nudges, and
winks.  This is not good for anyone, and this Mifflin affair is proof
positive of that.  Again, I commend Jason for going public with his
findings because that is the right and honorable thing to do.

Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber

Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564

On 5/9/11, Elizabeth Warner <ewar...@umd.edu> wrote:
If IMCA is supposed to be for collectors, how does being an IMCA member
help with selling?? Shouldn't there be an IMSA then??

However, as I read through the IMCA website, it is more about

I collect only, but it doesn't look like I would be able to join since I
don't sell which seems odd since IMCA in it's description says it is

I really have nothing against IMCA, but as a 'newbie' it is very
confusing. I have been on this list since early 2010, I've bought some
slices, etc from both IMCA and non-IMCA sellers (but mostly IMCA)...

Anyone should be able to join IMCA, but sellers/traders should then have
the specially vetted badge showing that they follow the
values/standards/ideals stated by IMCA.

Clear Skies!

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