Hi all,

I'm getting better at one-handed typing.  LOL

I was trying to change the flat tire on my crippled car (blown head
gasket) and my hand slipped and hit a sharp edge on the backside of
the wheel cover.  I didn't feel anything, but looked down and saw a
1cm chunk of meat from my forefinger laying on the ground, followed by
the inevitable heavy bleeding.  It was a slicing motion which shaved
off the meat on fleshy-side of my finger where the fingerprint is.
It's not the type of wound that can be stitched and the piece is not
big enough to sew back on.  It didn't go to the bone thankfully.  No
point in seeing the doctor because he will only do what I already did
- clean wound, apply medicine, wrap it up, and give me antibiotics
(which I already have some).  Besides, I don't have real medical
insurance, so my only recourse would be a 10-hour wait at the
emergency room to get the same treatment I just gave myself.  Can't
afford the fee for a walk-in clinic either.

It's throbbing like a mofo now because I have it wrapped so tight to
stop the bleeding.

Week of epic bad luck - car blew head gasket, car got flat tire,
jeweler scale broke, one of our cats died from feline leukemia, and
now I slice off a chunk of my finger.

It's going to be difficult to prepare micromounts and pack orders, so
I will be enlisting my wife later to do that for me.  She is going to
get a crash course in making up micromounts.

I only posted this to the list so that the people who ordered stuff
from me will understand the slight delay in getting these orders out.

Now, one thing a doctor could possibly do is give me some pain
medicine, but as they say - no pain no gain, no agony no braggony.
Just gotta put my big-boy pants on and suck it up buttercup.  LOL

Best regards,

Stumpy McGee

Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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On 5/25/11, Dennis Miller <astror...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry to hear that!  There are some positives though.  Now you only have to
> clip 9 finger nails.
> Some will ask, Did you use distilled water or alcohol while cutting? Put the
> tip on eBay!
> Please excuse the sick humor!  Truly though, hope you recover fine.
> Our hearts and prayers go out to those folks in Joplin..
> Dennis Miller
>> Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 12:14:13 -0400
>> From: meteoritem...@gmail.com
>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Injured self today - will be late on emails
>> Hi all,
>> quick note. cut part of finger off today - not saw related. right
>> hand is messed up. typing with left hand. i will be slow answering
>> emails today, batch of orders will be late until tomorrow. please
>> understand and accept my apologies.
>> bled like stuck pig. piece of finger was laying on ground. oddly, no
>> pain. go figure. lol
>> never dull moment at galactic-stone....... lol
>> best regards
>> mikeg
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