have moved page_teaser_tags.py into mezzanine's pages\templatetags folder

On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 12:50:59 PM UTC-4, Josh Cartmell wrote:
> There are still some problems in the usage of the tag.  An as_tag adds 
> something to the context, so I wouldn't render anything in the tag.  For 
> example, once you call {% page_teaser "about-us" as teased_page %} 
> teased_page is added to the context so you would access it like, {{ 
> teased_page }}.
> Try something like this:
> https://gist.github.com/joshcartme/bcdda75f1607890587ca 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgist.github.com%2Fjoshcartme%2Fbcdda75f1607890587ca&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHdGA02SFrka767-wTTu3KXt44Tog>
> btw, where is templatetags/page_teaser_tags.py?  It should be inside an 
> app that is in your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
> Good luck!
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 10:38 AM, roland balint <raba...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> gone through again but still need help; missing something and can't 
>> figure it out ...
>> the goal is to get the first 50 characters from a published page onto the 
>> index page
>> so
>> index.html
>>   {% include "teaser.html" %}
>> teaser.html
>>   {% load page_teaser_tags keyword_tags mezzanine_tags i18n %}
>>   {% block page_teaser %}
>>   {% page_teaser "about-us" as teased_page %}
>>   {% if teased_page %}
>>   {% teased_page %}
>>   {% endif %}
>>   {% endblock %}
>> page_teaser_tags.py
>> from __future__ import unicode_literals
>> from mezzanine.pages.models import Page
>> from mezzanine import template
>> register = template.Library()
>> @register.as_tag
>> def page_teaser(page=None):
>>     """
>>     return the requested page
>>     usage
>>     {% page_teaser page="about-us" as page_teased %}
>>     """
>>     pages = Page.objects.published()
>>     if page is not None:
>>     try:
>>         page_teased = pages.filter(slug=page)
>>     except page_teased.DoesNotExist:
>>         return []
>>     return render(page_teased.description)
>> my templatetags\page_teaser_tags.py never gets triggered at all (meaning 
>> there is no compiled python file in the folder)
>> however i do reach the "teaser.html" file but can't passed it no matter 
>> where i place my tag file
>> thx
>> Roland
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