Disclaimer: I wrote most of this before getting Steve's reply, so they may overlap.


Again, no doubt that Django can apply classes to form inputs. The problem is that it happens at Python level, it is not something you can change by just overriding a template.

The available choices for the project are: provide a bit of CSS that emulates Bootstrap's styles, or implement custom form-rendering logic. The former option (which is the one currently in use) is easier to maintain and easy to swap out for those not using Bootstrap. For the latter, you've already explained the advantages.

My two cents are that third-party libraries already exist that deeply integrate Bootstrap into Django / Mezzanine, thus, there's no need to have this in Mezzanine's core. For example: http://django-bootstrap3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/templatetags.html.

At this point it seems like it's a matter of preference. For me, the question is: Should Mezzanine add more overhead to support one specific CSS framework?

Finally, maybe we can approach the issue differently: Should Mezzanine enable you to pass custom classes to form inputs? Perhaps this is something that could be incorporated as a param in the {% fields_for %} tag. Coincidentally, alternatives already exist, so its inclusion in the core is debatable: https://treyhunner.com/2014/09/adding-css-classes-to-django-form-fields/

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