
--vc-sequence-reference-bug-workaround was added to the 2.3.12 release just to workaround some issues in the VC++ 2003 compiler, since this compiler refuses to compile some well formed C++ code in files generated by the MICO IDL compiler. So if you see run-time issue, this is certainly not related to --vc-sequence-reference-bug-workaround, although might be related to low quality of VC++. Anyway, we're always interested to know more details, preferably as simple as possible test case is the best way to debug this issue.

Karel Gardas                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ObjectSecurity Ltd.           http://www.objectsecurity.com
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On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, J. Scott Evans wrote:


I was looking through the archives to find some history on the "VC++
sequence reference bug" that is referenced in the release notes for
version 2.3.12 but didn't see any discussion of the bug.  Would someone
please provide some background on this bug?

I'm running into a  problem  involving a sequence of structs that
contain sequences.  Using Red Hat Enterprise (2.4.21-40.ELsmp) my server
works fine but with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET  2003 (version 7.1.3088)
the server fails unpredictably (with differing degrees of severity)
after the sequence of structs is returned to the client.  If I try
returning a sequence of structs containing only basic types (including
string) everything works fine.  Am I seeing the VC++ sequence reference
bug or something else altogether?  I can post some example code that
reproduces the error if that would help.


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Karel Gardas                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ObjectSecurity Ltd.           http://www.objectsecurity.com
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