On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Laurent Marzullo wrote:


I'm still trying to propagate my TransactionCurrent object.
So, now, I'm on 'send_request' of my client interceptor.

in case where there's no OTSPolicy defined for my target object
(here my code)

CosTransactions::OTSPolicy_var  ots = CosTransactions::OTSPolicy::_nil();

   CORBA::Policy_var   p =
               CosTransactions::OTS_POLICY_TYPE );
   ots = CosTransactions::OTSPolicy::_narrow( p );
catch ( CORBA::BAD_PARAM& )
   std::cerr << "      -> No OTS_POLICY_TYPE find for object\n";
   CosTransactions::TransactionalObject_var to =
       CosTransactions::TransactionalObject::_narrow( rqst_info->target() );
   if ( !CORBA::is_nil( to ) )
       std::cerr << "      -> Setting OTS_POLICY_VALUE to ADAPTS \n";
       CORBA::Any  policyValue;
       policyValue <<= CosTransactions::ADAPTS;
       CORBA::Policy_var p = _orb_var->create_policy(
CosTransactions::OTS_POLICY_TYPE , policyValue );
       ots = CosTransactions::OTSPolicy::_narrow( p );

I would like to test if the target object inherite from 'TransactionalObject'
to be compliant with OTS 1.1 object (I know that is not a mandatory stuf but I
would like to do it).

So, I've wrotte the above code (in comment). But this code seem to loop because
of the _narrow that call the server and then the ClientRequestInterceptor.

I just want to know the better way to avoid this loop ?

1) idl --do-not-query-server-for-narrow
2) forget about 'TransactionalObject'
3) any other ?

3 is right! Please see how you can use PICurrent to deal with call loop.

Karel Gardas                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ObjectSecurity Ltd.           http://www.objectsecurity.com
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