Andreas Haugstrup wrote:
I want to change my blog output to be hAtom compatible. It looks pretty straightforward, but I have a question about author information.

I don't sign my name with every blog entry. I'm just me on my blog and I don't see the point. Looking at hAtom it seems that Entry Author is optional, but then it also says:

"if the Entry Author is missing
- find the Nearest In Parent <address> element(s) with class name author and that is/are a valid hCard
 - otherwise the entry is invalid hAtom"

The Nearest In Parent link points to a page I don't really understand (being a non-programmer) <URL: >

My blog is at <URL: >. Would I be correct in assuming that if I change the link on my name at the top to an hCard then the author requirement of hAtom is satisfied?

This is probably what you're looking for:

<address class="vcard author" style="display: inline">
 <span class="fn">My Name</span>

As speced:
- you need an address element
- you need class name author
- you need a hCard

Instead of doing the display:inline trick (to stop "block" behavior), you should be able to define a CSS rule address.vcard to do the styling also.

The Nearest in Parent link is mainly for the benefit of parsers.

Note for hAtom 0.2: it should be that the <address> element _contains_ an author hCard.

Also does this mean that if I one day choose to omit my name from my blog front page I cannot have a valid hAtom front page? Is this intended? I'm not sure I want to leave that top box on every page, but I would also like my blog to be valid hAtom...

This is correct. The reason is we decided that hAtom pages must translate to valid Atom feeds and Atom requires feeds require an author.

Regards, etc...

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