Ah, very exciting, very nice. The only suggestion I have off the top of my head is to make it more obvious where the uFs join together. Instead of "(hCard)" maybe "+ hCard", with hCard being bold or something?

I like the fact to that you show the nesting of the elements of the right hand side.

Regards, etc...

brian suda wrote:
One of the common questions when people are implementing microformats is
that they are not sure what properties are available and/or which are
required. The specs are pretty good about explaining what properties are
REQUIRED, OPTIONAL and their cardinality (0-1, 0-*, 1-*, once).

I know the Wiki also has a chart with all the existing class names[1] to
help everyone know what is available and a brief description of each

I have tried to combine both the specs and the chart to a single 'cheat
sheet' for all the common microformats. This is a single page document
that describes both elemental microformats (XFN, RelTag, etc) and
compound microformats. I have attempted to show all of the available
properties, their hierarchy (what is a child/parent of what), if they
are required or optional, and if they are available multiple times, etc.
I also have a chart that shows which properties are available with which
microformats - it is not as detailed as the Wiki (this is a "study aid"
and does not replace knowing what each item means - and besides, i am
cramming this onto a single sheet space is at a premium)

Please have a look and let me know your feedback, i'm open to
suggestions - it is still a very early iteration so if you find mistakes
let me know and i'll correct them. (There have been requests to make
this an HTML document, and i probably will, but for a first run i can
get more minute control if i make things PDFs, as well, any changes will
get folded back into the wiki page[1])


This isn't meant to replace the information on the wiki, but to condense
and supplement it. I hope this print out can help folks better visualize
some of these more complex microformats.


[1] - http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-classes
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