Hello Andy,

On 9/20/06, Andy Mabbett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In message
Iliya Krempeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>> >I don't think any mention of ISO4217 is needed within the code though;
>> >it could be accepted as the default way of doing it, in the same way
>> >ISO8601 is used for dates, and whatever co-ordinate system is used in
>> >geo, etc.
>> Seconded. It only needs to be specified if there's more than one
>> standard in use.
>But what if others want to use other currency labels?  (Other than
>those specified by ISO 4127).

Such as?

I don't know of any specific alternate specifications.

Although I have seen evidence that there are others.

For example, with ISO 4127, "Canadian Dollars" has the code "CAD".

However, I have also seen the code "CDN" used for "Canadian Dollars".

I don't know specification that is from though.

IMO, it would be better to be forward thinking an allow for the
possibility of other currency codes.

>What if a new specification comes out and these 3 letter codes from
>ISO 4127 becomes obsolete?
>Then what?

What if any other default standard does?

My suggestion would be to not have a default, and always specify a
"type" (like "iso4127").

>And what if one or more of these 3 letter codes also stands for
>something else.  Used in some other Semantic HTML (or Microformat)?
>For example.. what if "sit" is used in some other Semantic HTML?  How
>do you know if "sit" represents the Slovenia Tolar or to "sit down" in
>some other Semantic HTML (or something else)?

Inside a "money"-classed span?

What if the money class is contained/nested in yet another piece of
Semantic HTML.  There could be confusion in that case.

I think we've had problems like that when the hAtom class names were
being decided on.

See ya

   Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

   charles @ reptile.ca
   supercanadian @ gmail.com

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