On 6 Nov 2006, at 21:25, Siegfried Gipp wrote:
Indeed, this i do not understand.Why should a definition of rel="vote-for"
have any negative effect (or any effect at all) on the definition of
rev="vote-for"? These are two different attributes.

It's because the microformat does not define the meaning of '@rel=vote-for', it just defines the meaning of 'vote-for'. The rel (or rev) relationship comes direct from HTML. The pool of values for @rel and @rev are shared as they are closely related attributes by design (these values are not always appropriate in both directions, of course).

So, the value 'vote-for' is definable as 'a positive vote for a resource'. That's what vote-for (and vote-against and vote-abstain with their respective definitions) *always* means when used in HTML. The source and target of that relationship is what the @rel and @rev attributes describe, not 'vote-for' itself, and that comes from HTML.

Hope that clarifies.

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