The problem with geo is that it is horrible to show in a UI. The
microformat only specifies a lat/long (no title) and there is no
guarantee there is anything interesting to show in the UI.

For a typical end user, geo just doesn't make a lot of sense. It's a
"geek" feature.

You will be able to add geo support similar to how Operator works,
with a user script.


On 6/7/07, Andy Mabbett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In message
Kaply <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>> One last thing, are there any thoughts on which microformats would be
>> supported by the Firefox UI?  Would it be all of them? Maybe it would
>> only be those that are specs and not drafts?
>Yes. At this point it will probably be hCard, hCalendar, Address and
>maybe geo.

Why only "maybe" geo? I think there is a strong case for including geo,
especially once KML and GPX export are available.

Where is this being discussed, and how is it best to make one's views
known, or to "vote"?

Andy Mabbett
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