are you saying that the
blogger/webmaster is deciding the actions rather than fx3 or an
like extension.
No, the browser should still act as a mediator between data and
applications, otherwise people will tie there information to
particular apps (like what is currently happening with RSS and
podcasts). This results in a lot of problems, like a complex UI,
lock in, content creators having to regularly update their sites, etc.
However, I understand your confusion, the fact that there are
multiple actions that can be applied to an hCard messes up my example.
What if we agreed on some basic default "application types" (map,
calendar, address book, etc.), and so the example would then have two
actions (assuming they both made sense in context):
<div class="user-action-addressBook" style="visibility:hidden">Add to
Address Book</div>
<div class="user-action-map" style="visibility:hidden">Map</div>
And third party extensions could register additional user actions
(here is a genetics example):
<div class="user-action-geneSearch" style="visibility:hidden">Look up
On Aug 28, 2007, at 1:33 AM, Farndon, Tony wrote:
Not sure I quite understand this (so a good example of a general
'blogger' wanting to put uf on their blog/site), are you saying
that the
blogger/webmaster is deciding the actions rather than fx3 or an
like extension. Using your example code, would I be required to put
in a
multitude of actions at the webpage level:
<div class="user-action" style="visibility:hidden">Add to Address
<div class="user-actionB" style="visibility:hidden">View Address in
Google Maps</div>
<div class="user-actionC" style="visibility:hidden">View Address in
Yahoo Maps</div>
<div class="user-actionD" style="visibility:hidden">Add to some
Book Website</div>
Then, along comes another web service/app and I have to go back and
another user agent to all my previously marked-up uf
<div class="user-actionE" style="visibility:hidden">Add to some other
Address Book Website</div>
A bad analogy, but is this not slightly akin to target="_blank" which
imho is wrongly taking the decision of the browser/user away and
it upon them?
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